Hawkesbury Monster Energy Tour Invitational Results

Plc Rider Ride Score Bull Bull Score Contractor Points Dollars
1 Sam Woodall 86   30 $5,700.00
2 Lane Mellers 84.5   20 $4,100.00
3/5 Braydon Wellby 83.5   7.33 $1,746.67
3/5 Macaulie Leather 83.5   7.33 $2,246.67
3/5 Klay Ward 83.5   7.33 $1,746.67
6 Kyle Hall 82.5   4 $1,160.00
7 Josh Alexander 81   3 $2,420.00
8 Lachlan Richardson 80.5   2 $280.00
9 Cody Heffernan 80   1 $400.00
10 Ben Bode 79.5   1 $200.00
11 Tyson Smith 77.5   1 $0.00
Boston Leather 0   0 $0.00
Braydon Wellby 0   0 $0.00
Rylee Ward 0   0 $0.00
Clint Glass 0   0 $0.00
Thomas Hudson 0   0 $0.00
Macaulie Leather 0   0 $0.00
Diego Galdino dos Santos 0   0 $0.00
Beau Willis 0   0 $0.00
Brumby Brandenburg 0   0 $0.00
Brumby Brandenburg 0   0 $0.00
Ky Borghero 0   0 $0.00
Billy Goetsch 0   0 $0.00
Josh Grant 0   0 $0.00
Sam Woodall 0   0 $0.00
Caiden Sandilands 0   0 $0.00
Lijah Leather 0   0 $0.00
Jackson Field 0   0 $0.00
Philippi Braga 0   0 $0.00
Darryl McPherson 0   0 $0.00
Leo Roldão dos Santos 0   0 $0.00
1 Sam Woodall 86 Kick Start My Heart 42 Diamond S Bucking Bulls - Brian Scott 16 $800.00
2 Lane Mellers 84.5 Booga Wooga 41.5 Lazy G Bucking Bulls 13 $600.00
3/4 Braydon Wellby 83.5 Exit Light 41 Morgys Cattle Company 11.5 $300.00
3/4 Klay Ward 83.5 Crooked Intentions 41.5 Morgys Cattle Company 11.5 $300.00
5 Lachlan Richardson 80.5 Roll n Rock 39.5 MC Bucking Bulls 2 $0.00
6 Tyson Smith 77.5 Wild Jacket 38 Morgys Cattle Company 1 $0.00
Boston Leather 0 Midnight Special 41 Diamond S Bucking Bulls - Brian Scott 0 $0.00
Ben Bode 0 Sniper 40 Lazy G Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Braydon Wellby 0 Man Glitter 42 Morgys Cattle Company 0 $0.00
Rylee Ward 0 Even Up 40 Morgys Cattle Company 0 $0.00
Clint Glass 0 Cracking Tins 39.5 MC Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Thomas Hudson 0 White Shadow 41.5 Lazy G Pukallus Partnership 0 $0.00
Macaulie Leather 0 Bobby 41 Morgys Cattle Company 0 $0.00
Macaulie Leather 0 Creed 40 Lazy G Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Diego Galdino dos Santos 0 Juicy Jacket 40 Morgys Cattle Company 0 $0.00
Beau Willis 0 Cracking Tins 40 MC Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Brumby Brandenburg 0 Night Train 40 Diamond S Bucking Bulls - Brian Scott 0 $0.00
Brumby Brandenburg 0 Fingers 39 MC Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Cody Heffernan 0 Rage Train 41.5 Lazy G Pukallus Partnership 0 $0.00
Ky Borghero 0 Bad Boy Brown 40 Lazy G Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Billy Goetsch 0 Haunted 40.5 Lazy G Pukallus Partnership 0 $0.00
Josh Grant 0 Village Idiot 41.5 Diamond S Bucking Bulls - Brian Scott 0 $0.00
Sam Woodall 0 MSG Locating Filthy Rich 42 Lazy G Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Caiden Sandilands 0 Swinger 41 MC Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Lijah Leather 0 Da Bear 41 Lazy G Pukallus Partnership 0 $0.00
Jackson Field 0 Clinton 39.5 MC Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Philippi Braga 0 Roll n Rock 38 MC Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Kyle Hall 0 Fingers 39.5 MC Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Darryl McPherson 0 The Rat 38 MC Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Josh Alexander 0 Making Time 40.5 MC Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Leo Roldão dos Santos 0 Making Time 40.5 MC Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
1 Macaulie Leather 83.5 Poker Face 40.5 MJ / Keliher Bucking Bulls 16 $800.00
2 Kyle Hall 82.5 Blondies Bomber 40.5 MJ / Keliher Bucking Bulls 13 $600.00
3 Cody Heffernan 80 Taquito 39 Maynes Bucking Bulls 4 $400.00
4 Ben Bode 79.5 Just Right 39 Troy Keliher 10 $200.00
Boston Leather 0 Booga Wooga 40 Lazy G Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Lachlan Richardson 0 Haunted 39.5 Lazy G Pukallus Partnership 0 $0.00
Braydon Wellby 0 Paintbox 41 MJ / Keliher Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Braydon Wellby 0 Misfit 40.5 Morgys Cattle Company 0 $0.00
Rylee Ward 0 Bex 40.5 Maynes Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Clint Glass 0 Trooper 40 Maynes Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Thomas Hudson 0 Making Time 40 MC Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Macaulie Leather 0 Last Confession 39 Troy Keliher 0 $0.00
Diego Galdino dos Santos 0 Even Up 40 Morgys Cattle Company 0 $0.00
Beau Willis 0 Sriracha 38.5 Maynes Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Brumby Brandenburg 0 Stranger Danger 38.5 MJ / Keliher Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Brumby Brandenburg 0 Perfect Storm 40.5 MC Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Klay Ward 0 Intruder 39.5 Maynes Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Ky Borghero 0 Hoodwink 39 Maynes Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Billy Goetsch 0 Manshake 40 MJ / Keliher Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Josh Grant 0 Spit n Grit 39.5 MJ / Keliher Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Tyson Smith 0 Bobby 40 Morgys Cattle Company 0 $0.00
Sam Woodall 0 Swinger 40 MC Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Sam Woodall 0 Mood Swing 40.5 Maynes Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Caiden Sandilands 0 Charvez 40 Lazy G Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Lijah Leather 0 Mr McCoy 38 MJ / Keliher Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Jackson Field 0 Conquistador 40.5 Maynes Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Philippi Braga 0 Ariat West Point 39.5 Dunne Bulls 0 $0.00
Darryl McPherson 0 Crooked Intentions 40 Morgys Cattle Company 0 $0.00
Josh Alexander 0 Ranga 41 MJ / Keliher Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Leo Roldão dos Santos 0 The Warden 41.5 MJ / Keliher Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
1 Josh Alexander 81 After Dark 40.5 MJ / Keliher Bucking Bulls 16 $2,000.00
Boston Leather 0 Ariat Lost Soul 41.5 Dunne Bulls 0 $0.00
Lachlan Richardson 0 Man Glitter 42 Morgys Cattle Company 0 $0.00
Ben Bode 0 Forever Young 40.5 MJ / Keliher Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Braydon Wellby 0 Nemesis 40.5 Maynes Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Macaulie Leather 0 War Drums 41.5 Maynes Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Macaulie Leather 0 End Game 39.5 Maynes Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Klay Ward 0 MSG Locating Filthy Rich 40 Lazy G Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00
Tyson Smith 0 Mooseys After Party 41 MJ Keliher McGuire Partnership 0 $0.00
Sam Woodall 0 On Bail 40.5 MJ / Keliher Bucking Bulls 0 $0.00